jeudi 11 avril 2013

Anglais pour psychologues (Lynn Leger) : devoir à rendre pour le 18 avril

Dear Daughter/Dear Son assignment

Write a letter to a future (or if you already have one, actual) child on his or her 18th birthday. Your letters are confidential and are not meant to elicit overly private or emotional events in your life that you don't want to share.

Give the following questions careful consideration in your letter :
(a) When or why did you decide to have a child ?
(b) What are the most important qualities for a parent to have and why ?
(c) What personal qualities do you possess that might facilitate or interfere with your ability to be a good parent ?
(d) What qualities do you hope your child will possess and why ?

Other things you can also mention are specific strategies that they can use as a parent to foster growth in terms of physical, motor, cognitive, moral, social, personnality, and sex-role development, relying on concepts presented in the text and lecture.

*** If you prefer, you can write the letter to your niece/nephew.

Typed and 1 page in lenght.

Due next week and worth 20 pts.

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